Because anyone can become a livesaver

Our AEDs have been specially developed for use by lay rescuers.

Short and concise voice instructions safely support the first aider during the entire cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Here, our AEDs decide completely independently whether a life-saving shock is necessary or not.

This is only released by the AED if it is really necessary.

Thus, all users are always on the safe side that no shock can be triggered accidentally.

Which AED is right for me?

To the AEDs

Where is a defibrillator needed? Everywhere there are people!

First aiders

Sport clubs

First aiders


First aiders


First aiders

Hotels and restaurants

HeartSave PAD

Makes it easy for anyone to become a lifesaver - short and concise voice prompts ensure safe use.

  • Adaptive user guidance - the AED can adapt to the user's working speed to optimise the resuscitation process.
  • Safe to use - the AED decides on its own whether a shock is needed.
  • Pediatric mode / pediatric button - in the event of a pediatric emergency, you do not need special pads for pedriatrics, as the AED switches to pediatric mode with the simple press of a button
  • Powerful battery (up to 3 Jahre): Always be reliably prepared for emergencies, even in the long term
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HeartSave AED

The HeartSaveAED is a true all-round talent and is ideally suited for almost any application. 

  • Language selection button: You can change between four languages for verbal instructions during operation – for users of different nationalities
  • Pediatric mode / pediatric button - in the event of a pediatric emergency, you do not need special pads for pedriatrics, as the AED switches to pediatric mode with the simple press of a button
  • Battery with up to 6 years standby - so that your AED still works reliably after many years in an emergency and has enough power reserves ready to go.
  • Cost-effectiveness - long-life and low-cost consumables ensure very low follow-up costs
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HeartSave AS

The Defibrillator with fully automated shock delivery - ideal for insecure and hesitant first aiders.

  • Autonomous: The HeartSaveAS ensures that defibrillation can be carried out reliably – even if the first aider is not confident in delivering the shock himself or herself
  • 'Zero button operation' - once the lid is opened and the pads are applied to the patient, no further operation of the AED is required by the user.
  • Like the HeartSaveAED, the HeartSaveAS has a pediatric mode and a pediatric button, instructions in four languages, and a long-lasting battery with up to 6 years standby.
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HeartSave AED-M

The HeartSaveAED-M is ideal for all types of users – lay rescuers as well as professional personnel.

  • Illuminated monitor - with information on the current operation, such as ECG, heart rate, number of shocks, duration of operation, instructions
  • All voice instructions also in text form - helpful for users in noisy environments
  • ECG display - as valuable information for appropriately trained first aiders
  • Like the HeartSaveAED, the HeartSaveAED-M has a pediatric mode and a pediatric button, instructions in four languages, and a long-lasting battery with up to 6 years standby
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What does the abbreviation AED stand for?

The abbreviation 'AED' stands for Automated External Defibrillator.

How many electrodes are included in one package?

One pair of electrodes is included in each package of SavePads.

Where can I find the SN of my device?

Each AED of the HeartSave series has a type plate on the back of the device, which states the device type, the serial number of the AED as well as the production date.

How long is the warranty period for the AED?

Depending on the type of device, there is a manufacturer's warranty of 2 or 6 years. For most devices, this warranty can also be optionally extended to 10 years.

Can anyone buy an AED?

There are no legal restrictions on the purchase of an AED. Any natural or legal person can purchase an AED in Germany. The regulations of the Medical Devices Operator Ordinance (MPBetreibV) apply to the operation of an AED.

What is the maximum energy your AEDs can deliver?

All AEDs in the HeartSave series can deliver biphasic energies of up to 360 Joule.

further questions?

Please feel free to contact us.